W.E. Farms Lyric

We were given the opportunity from Erika to purchase Lyric summer 2022. From the moment she stepped on this farm Lyric knew she was part of the family. She is the smartest goat in the whole herd and adores our sons.
Lyric freshened so strong this year. She is a great improvement from her dam. She has lovely attachments. She is leading the herd in milk production this year and we are so thankful for all the extra milk.
Lyrics dam Jazz placed 7th at nationals in 2023.
Lyrics littlermate placed 1st at MO state fair in the yearling milking class.
Her sire is Windrush Farms Neo Intrigue has 2 CH offspring and several others with legs, son of CH Windrush Farms Blizzard Mimi and full brother to Isabelle. Windrush Farms Neo Isabelle 92 EEEE. Isabella won Best in Show at the 2019 Indiana State Fair and who was 2nd in her class at the 2018 National Show.
Lyric was exposed live cover toPLEASANT-GROVE FLASH FREEZE
Planned Pedigree Print (adgagenetics.org)

Lyrics dam Jazz Photo courtesy of Erika Streeter and Devon Miller

Windrush Farms Neo Isabelle black doe photo courtesy of Windrush Farms